In the Pipeline: 8/3/12

  • 08/03/12
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It is sad that we have to run this.  But the Sierra Club is sort of a collection of nitwits.  So . . . IER (8/2/12) reports: “In response to an error-filled report released today by the Sierra Club, entitled “Clean Energy Under Siege,” the Institute for Energy Research released the following statement and brief fact check that raises serious questions about the quality of scholarship and careful research that went into the report… “Sloppy ‘scholarship,’ half-truths, and...
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In the Pipeline: 8/2/12

  • 08/02/12
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Charlie Drevna says it pretty well.  While we are dallying with ethanol and other nonsense, the Chinese are investing in petroleum assets all over the planet, including Canada. American Products. American Power. (8/1/12) reports: “In addition to hurting America’s farmers, this year’s record drought has exposed another great flaw with EPA’s renewable fuel standards. Not only do EPA regulations force American consumers to purchase more expensive fuel that generates lower mileage per...
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In the Pipeline: 8/1/12

  • 08/01/12
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Since the President thinks he creates all businesses and jobs, it is a small matter to kill them as well. OhioAmerican (7/31/12) reports: "OhioAmerican Energy, Inc. ("OhioAmerican"), a Subsidiary of Murray Energy Corporation ("Murray Energy"), today announced the closure of its coal mining operations near Brilliant, Jefferson County, Ohio… Regulatory actions by President Barack Obama and his appointees and followers were cited as the entire reason." I wonder if Chairman Jon knows that the...
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In the Pipeline: 7/26/12

  • 07/26/12
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President Obama built this.  We did not. IER (7/24/12) reports: “In addition to Solyndra, Beacon Power, and a host of other “Stimulosers,” we can now add solar panel manufacturer Amonix to the list of federally-backed alternative energy companies jeopardizing taxpayer funds. The latest embarrassment is especially relevant in light of this week’s planned vote on the “No More Solyndras Act” [.pdf], which would discontinue new loan guarantees and would limit the DOE’s discretion...
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"No More Solyndras Act"

  • 07/25/12
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Representative Cliff Stearns recently introduced the “No More Solyndras Act,” which would exercise more oversight of the $16 billion federal program that loaned $528 million dollars to the now-bankrupt solar manufacturer Solyndra and subsidized other clean energy companies that have had subsequent financial troubles.  An up-to-date list of these companies can be viewed on IER’s Stimulosers report here. The “No More Solyndras” bill would prohibit any new loan guarantees from being...
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In the Pipeline: 7/25/12

  • 07/25/12
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You have to hope that at some point, Governor Romney will start talking about this. WSJ (7/24/12) reports: “President Obama may not want to exploit the energy buried in Canada's Alberta oil sands, but China sure does. Think of Monday's $15.1 billion offer by China's state-owned Cnooc to buy Canadian energy giant Nexen as a post-Keystone XL Pipeline bid to replace the U.S. as Canada's biggest energy investor and market.” This is what regressivity looks like outside of an economics...
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In the Pipeline: 6/22/12

  • 06/22/12
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And you shall know the truth.  And the truth shall set you free.  At least that is what my friend John says. We offer this without comment.  Except to say that in every instance subsidies are corrupting.  You know, like the Food Stamp bill just passed by the Senate. The Hill  (6/21/12) Reports: Low natural-gas prices mean that it’s economical to power heavy trucks with the fuel even without federal incentives, according to a new report that finds up-front investment costs for...
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Bird Deaths: Environmentalists Target Energy Instead of Real Killers

Yesterday’s Wall Street Journal carried a prominent article  about accidental bird deaths caused by communications towers. According to the article, a whopping 6.8 million birds are accidentally killed by flying into these towers (the article did not specify if bird suicides were included or not). These 6.8 million birds are usually attacked – apparently without provocation - by these aggressive and belligerent towers under the cover of darkness by their illuminated red lights. As...
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In the Pipeline: 4/11/12

  • 04/11/12
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The Onion Couldn't Have Written a Better Headline ABC News (4/10/12) reports: Former General Services Administration administrator Martha Johnson missed a lavish Las Vegas conference for government employees because she was already committed to meetings in California at  Solyndra, according to testimony in an official government investigation…Solyndra is the now-bankrupt green energy company that the Obama administration had provided with a $535 million loan through the stimulus…The...
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In the Pipeline: 4/9/12

  • 04/09/12
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First Energy would argue that they are not intentionally causing a shortage in the capacity markets in order to make a bunch of money from unsuspecting ratepayers.  I like to argue that I am taller and better looking than people think I am Platts Energy (4/8/12) reports: West Virginia regulators ordered FirstEnergy not to begin retiring three coal-fired plants in the state totaling 660 MW until regulators have a chance to review the company's justification for the closings…The Public...
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