Obama’s SOTU: The Good, the Bad, and the Forgotten
- 01/21/15
- Alex Fitzsimmons
- Blog
On Tuesday, President Obama delivered his sixth annual State of the Union address. The address was peppered with references to low gas prices (which are good but he has nothing to do with) and booming energy production (also good but happening despite his policies), part of an agenda he described as “middle-class economics.”
The address was also notable for what the president didn’t say. While the president declared that “no challenge poses a greater threat” than climate change,...
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Obama's Methane Plan Whiffs on Climate Change
- 01/20/15
- Alex Fitzsimmons
- Blog
As we explained last week, President Obama’s proposed methane scheme is an attempt to fix a problem that does not exist. Methane emissions are declining as natural gas production is booming—and it’s happening all without federal intervention because natural gas producers have an economic incentive to reduce methane emissions.
The proposal also fails to accomplish its stated purpose to “curb climate change.” A new report from the Cato Institute explains:
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The amount of methane...
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The War on Coal in One Map
- 01/15/15
- Mike Morrison
- Blog

West Virginia quietly passed the ignominious milestone of having less than half of its adult, civilian population in the...
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Obama’s Methane Scheme a Solution in Search of a Problem
- 01/15/15
- Alex Fitzsimmons
- Blog
On Wednesday, the White House announced a long-awaited plan to reduce methane emissions from the oil and natural gas sector, with the goal of slashing methane from new and modified oil and gas processing and production facilities by up to 45 percent from 2012 levels by 2025. The administration directed EPA and other agencies to develop rules to meet its goal.
President Obama’s methane scheme is an attempt to fix a problem that does not exist. Energy producers have an economic incentive...
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No, Republicans Don’t Really Support EPA’s Climate Agenda
- 01/14/15
- Alex Fitzsimmons
- Blog
Misinformation abounds at Yale University’s School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. The university’s Project on Climate Change Communication released a new survey that is grabbing headlines but is riddled with flaws.
The survey claims that “Republican voters are actually split in their views about climate change,” with a majority of “moderate” Republicans supporting EPA’s proposed rule to “set strict CO2 emission limits on existing coal-fired power plants.” Overall,...
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The Oregonian is Mad as Hell and Won’t Take it Any More
- 01/12/15
- Alex Fitzsimmons
- Blog
Channeling their inner Howard Beale, The Oregonian’s editors are mad as Hell with the governor and they aren’t going to take his tax schemes any more. Last week, the editorial board slammed Gov. John Kitzhaber’s plan to raise gasoline costs on Oregon families, which the editors panned as a “global-warming gas tax.”
The editorial begins by admonishing gas-tax advocates for deceiving Oregonians:
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Gov. John Kitzhaber and other proponents of a low-carbon fuel standard, we wrote last...
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KiOR Biofuels: Take the Money and Run
- 01/12/15
- Mike Morrison
- Blog
Here’s a story about a billionaire investor and a bankrupt biofuel company with nothing better to do than bilk Mississippi taxpayers. From the Associated Press (via Fuel Fix):
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It’s the latest turn in what’s becoming a nasty legal fight between Mississippi and KiOR, which state leaders once hailed as an economic boon for the state. [Mississippi Development Authority] at first cooperated with KiOR’s attempts to reorganize in hopes of maximizing how much money the state could collect...
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Energy Freeze Continues on Federal Lands
- 01/08/15
- Alex Fitzsimmons
- Blog
The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is out with new data on oil and gas leasing on federal lands—and it isn’t pretty. BLM issued fewer new leases in fiscal year 2014 than in any year since 1988 (though they leased slightly more acres than in 2013).
The following chart shows how new BLM oil and gas leases dropped to 1,157 in FY 2014, a 26-year low that continues a long-term trend of depressed energy development on federal lands.
As we have pointed out for years, BLM keeps...
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