MSC Responds to Pennsylvania Attorney General Report on Natural Gas Industry

  • 07/15/20
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The Office of the Attorney General of Pennsylvania recently put out a controversial Grand Jury Report on the practice of hydraulic fracturing in the Commonwealth. The report, which makes eight policy recommendations and admonishes both the natural gas industry and state regulators at the Department of Health and Safety (DHS) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), fails to accurately characterize current state law on these issues and prescribes policy changes that would amount...

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Democrats Officially Declare War on Affordable Energy

Last week the “climate crisis” committee released their majority staff report purporting to solve climate change.  The report is packed full of buzzwords, but the core message is clear: more expensive energy.  While the environmental movement has long been clear about their goals of increasing energy costs in order to force citizens to use less, the political drawbacks of such a message led most Democrats to keep that part under wraps.  With this climate report, though, the mask is...

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Key Vote NO on H.R. 2

  • 06/30/20
  • AEA
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The American Energy Alliance urges all members to opposed H.R. 2 the Moving Forward Act.

This legislation is not good faith effort to advance transportation policy.  Rather the legislation seeks to hijack the required surface transportation reauthorization process to attach a slew of extraneous green provisions drawn from the unworkable Green New Deal.  This mirrors the equally shameless effort from earlier this year to hijack the coronavirus relief legislation to advance many of the...

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Key Vote NO on H.R. 2

  • 06/30/20
  • AEA
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The American Energy Alliance urges all members to opposed H.R. 2 the Moving Forward Act.

This legislation is not good faith effort to advance transportation policy.  Rather the legislation seeks to hijack the required surface transportation reauthorization process to attach a slew of extraneous green provisions drawn from the unworkable Green New Deal.  This mirrors the equally shameless effort from earlier this year to hijack the coronavirus relief legislation to advance many of the...

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Pushing the Green New Deal (Fox News Alert!)

“To fully address the threat of climate change and move towards the goal of global net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the United States should advance specific policies and champion collaborative initiatives….” American Conservation Coalition—Campus

Fox News viewers are being subjected to a slick advertising campaign by the American Conservation Coalition–Campus (ACCC), a group “giving conservatives on campus a voice on the environment.” 

“We work with existing groups...

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Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic, Bloomberg and McCarthy Reach New Political Low

  • 05/08/20
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“Scientists are warning us that air pollution makes Covid-19, which strikes at the lungs, more deadly. Nonetheless, in the space of about a month, the president has repeatedly undermined rules limiting air pollution. Tens of thousands of Americans will die as a result.”

It’s no surprise that Michael Bloomberg and Gina McCarthy – two Democratic operatives – think Donald J. Trump is a very bad man. Yet their recent opinion piece How Trump’s EPA Is Making Covid-19 More Deadly ...

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The Cost of The RFS is Too Big to Ignore

In recent weeks, five governors have sent letters to the EPA asking for a waiver of the 2020 blending mandates from the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) concerned about the economic damage they inflict on a refining industry already reeling from the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.  The RFS mandates the blending of various types of “renewable” fuels into the national gas supply regardless of demand. But the blending requirements for 2020, set in late 2019, obviously did not account for the...

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Trump Administration Considering a Temporary Jones Act Waiver for Oil Producers

President Trump is reportedly meeting with the leaders of several U.S. oil producers today to discuss some sort of temporary relief for the industry from the sharp drop in oil prices caused by the drop in demand due to COVID-19 pandemic. Although it isn’t completely clear what the administration has in mind, there are rumors that one of the proposals under consideration is a temporary waiver of the Jones Act for transporting oil.

For those who are not familiar with it, the Jones Act is...

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Trump Administration Finalizes Rationalization of Fuel Economy Mandates

Today the Trump administration finalized the second half of its proposed rule to correct the overreach of the Obama administration’s Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regulations. The first half came last fall when the administration halted California’s ability to force fuel economy standards on the other 49 states. Today’s second half brings fuel economy mandates back to the real world of achievable improvements instead of the Obama administration’s backdoor electric vehicle...

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We’re in the Coronavirus Fight Together…Almost

As of Thursday, March 26, 2020, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. is nearing 70,000 and the global tally is approaching half a million. In an effort to stop the rapid increase in new cases and to keep hospitals within their capacities we have put much of our economic activity on pause. Twenty-two thousand people have died from COVID-19 already, the stock market has lost a third of its value, and unemployment claims have skyrocketed to record levels.

In response to the...

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