Harris's Fraudulent Fracking Flip Flop

  • 10/09/20
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“The American people know Joe Biden will not ban fracking,” Harris said at the debate with Vice President Pence on October 7. “That is a fact. That is a fact.”

Biden indicated that he would ban new hydraulic fracturing in his debate with Bernie Sanders in March 2020, although he would not admit to the ban plan when campaigning in Pennsylvania this summer. Also, in September 2019 during a CNN town hall event, Kamala Harris said  “There is no question I am in favor of banning...

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California's Chaos Isn't Enough For Biden And Harris

  • 10/06/20
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Former Vice President and Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden is setting aside $2 trillion for his “clean energy” plan that would replace fossil fuels on the electrical grid by 2035—10 years earlier than California’s state goal. California currently requires 60 percent of its generation to come from renewable energy by 2030 and 100 percent to come from zero-carbon sources by 2045 . These non-carbon sources will likely be wind, solar, geothermal, and hydropower because...

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Biden 'Forgot' He Supports The Green New Deal

  • 10/02/20
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Biden waffled in the first presidential debate of the general election season on whether his climate plan was the “Green New Deal” or the “Biden plan” despite his campaign website saying, “Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face.” Democratic nominee Biden said , “The Green New Deal is not my plan.” But a moment later, he said: “The Green New Deal will pay for itself as we move forward. You’re not going to build...

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Biden's Transit Plan Is All Malarkey

  • 09/29/20
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According to Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden’s Clean Energy Plan:

“Biden will also transform the energy sources that power the transportation sector, making it easier for mobility to be powered by electricity and clean fuels, including commuter trains, school and transit buses, ferries, and passenger vehicles.”

Many U.S. cities and states have experimented with electric (battery-powered) buses , including Los Angeles and San Francisco, California; Albuquerque, New...

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Joe Biden Loves Canada's High Energy Prices

  • 09/28/20
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In February 2009, Ontario, Canada passed its Green Energy Act. The act entailed: increased integration of wind and solar energy into Ontario’s electricity grid, shutting down coal plants and creating 50,000 green jobs in the first three years; allowing First Nations communities to manage their own electricity supply and distribution (the ‘decolonization’ of energy ), empowering Canada’s indigenous communities; and reducing costs for poorer citizens through clean and sustainable...

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The Energy Bill is Back, With Bootleggers and Baptists Onboard

When last we saw the Murkowski-Manchin energy bill, it was March and the bill was stymied by arguments over amendments.  At the time we dubbed the bill the American Energy Bureaucracy Act, and that description is still apt.  We questioned, and still question, the need for the raft of new programs the bill is pushing.  Indeed, given that the economy is still recovering from the coronavirus shock, new layers of energy bureaucracy are the last thing needed right now.  Talk is now in the...

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The Insane Cost Of Biden's Fracking Ban

  • 09/18/20
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Hydraulic fracturing has made the United States the top oil and natural gas producer in the world and it has made the nation energy independent for the first time in 62 years. Yet, during stages in the campaign, potential Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris advocated a ban on fracking and a ban on drilling, sometimes entirely and sometimes only on federal lands and waters. A recent study shows that banning federal leasing and fracking on public and...

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American Energy Alliance 2020 House of Representatives Scorecard

This week the American Energy Alliance released its American Energy Scorecard for the House of Representatives.  The AEA scorecard scores voting and co-sponsorship decisions on legislation affecting energy and environmental policy, educating voters on how their representatives' vote and holding members accountable for those decisions.  This year’s scorecard compiles 18 votes and 2 co-sponsorship decisions from the 116th Congress.  74 House members achieved a 100% score.

The American...

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American Energy Alliance 2020 Senate Scorecard

This week the American Energy Alliance released its American Energy Scorecard for the United States Senate.  The AEA scorecard scores voting and co-sponsorship decisions on legislation affecting energy and environmental policy, educating voters on how their representatives' vote and holding members accountable for those decisions.  This year’s Senate scorecard compiles 23 votes and 1 co-sponsorship decision from the full 6-year terms of the Senators up for reelection in 2020.  15 Senators...

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Biden's Green Dream: Made In China

  • 09/09/20
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After years of planning, China now dominates the world’s production of new generation batteries that are used in electric vehicles and most portable consumer electronics such as cell phones and laptops. As the demand for electric vehicles grows, it is expected that most of them will be built with Chinese batteries, and most of those batteries will be lithium ion , which are also popular for cellphones and laptops because of their high energy per unit mass relative to other electrical...

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