WSJ Outlines Biden Admin’s Backdoor Climate Agenda
- 03/19/21
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The Wall Street Journal published an editorial March 18 discussing the Biden administration’s “backdoor” plan to advance climate regulations. As the editorial outlines, it appears that the Biden EPA plans to use the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) to move forward with climate regulations in order to avoid the political costs of voting on any such regulations in congress.
Some history
In Massachusetts v. EPA (2007) the Supreme Court ruled that the law’s general...
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CLEAN Future Act Puts Ratepayers On The Hook For EV Infrastructure
- 03/18/21
- Alexander Stevens
- Blog
In early March, the House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Environment and Climate Change Subcommittee Chairman Paul Tonko (D-NY) and Energy Subcommittee Chairman Bobby L. Rush (D-IL) introduced the Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nation’s (CLEAN) Future Act. The bill aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, with an interim target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent from 2005 levels no later than 2030.
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Key Vote NO on Haaland Confirmation
- 03/15/21
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While Biden’s nominees for various energy and economic positions have been awful, Rep. Haaland may be the most extreme. Her wholehearted opposition to the invaluable practice of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), her advocacy for the "30x30" movement, which would exclude most of the federal lands from productive use, and her endorsement of the Green New Deal make her unfit to lead the department.
Haaland hails from New Mexico, the epicenter of America’s thriving oil and gas production,...
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Key Vote NO on Granholm Confirmation
- 02/25/21
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The American Energy Alliance urges all Senators to oppose the nomination of former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm for Secretary of Energy.
One of the main roles of the Department of Energy is managing the distribution of billions of dollars in federal funding and loans. The Biden administration has pledged to increase this spending even further. Thus, Granholm's record of funding and advocating failed green-energy companies and even awarding millions in state contracts to a felon...
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Top 10 Questions for DOI Nominee Deb Haaland
- 02/22/21
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The confirmation hearing for Representative Deb Haaland, who has been nominated for the position of Secretary of the Interior, is scheduled for Tuesday, February 23.
The Department of the Interior is responsible for vast tracts of federal public lands and is, resultantly, among the most important departments with respect to America’s energy future. Rep. Haaland has established positions that put her nomination at odds with the long-term viability of federal lands administered by...
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The Stealth Green New Deal
- 12/14/20
- Kenny Stein
- Blog
As negotiations continue on a year-end government funding bill as well as a new round of coronavirus relief spending, bad energy policy is looking to hitch a ride. The zombie Manchin-Murkowski energy bill, which we call the American Energy Bureaucracy Act, has staggered back into the picture. In the fall, the bill got even worse after an agreement was reached to enrich big corporations at the expense of small businesses and individual consumers. A marriage of corporate bootleggers and green...
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Election 2020: Where Things Stand for Energy
- 11/05/20
- Kenny Stein
- Blog
As of Thursday, presidential election results are still being tabulated. Former vice president Biden has a slight edge, but final results will depend on tallies in Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia. Elsewhere, however, there is a clear picture coming from the 2020 election: the blue progressive wave meant to sweep to power and remake energy markets did not appear. Affordable, reliable energy remains a vote winner, with voters recoiling at the ambitious progressive energy and climate...
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Biden Thinks Magic Can Power America's Economy
- 10/30/20
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Joe Biden’s climate and energy plans mandate a carbon-free generation sector by 2035. Since new nuclear and carbon capture and sequestration technologies are not economically competitive, subsidized wind and solar power would have to make up the share from fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil) that currently make up 62 percent of the generation market. Biden’s plans call for large expenditures in renewable energy, including installing 500 million solar panels and manufacturing...
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Biden Lets The Mask Slip On Energy
- 10/26/20
- Blog
In his debate with President Trump on October 22, Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden said he would rid the nation of oil and gas—“over time, over time ”. Biden’s costly and radical energy transition from oil and natural gas to renewable energy would hurt the U.S. economy, put the United States on a path to third-world status, subject the nation to rolling blackouts as the nation saw in California this past summer, lose American jobs to offshore countries, and help...
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Under Biden's Plan, Energy Prices Go Up, And That's The Point
- 10/20/20
- Blog
According to Democratic Party presidential nominee Joseph Biden’s carbon plan , “he will demand that Congress enacts legislation in the first year of his presidency that: 1) establishes an enforcement mechanism that includes milestone targets no later than the end of his first term in 2025, 2) makes a historic investment in clean energy and climate research and innovation, 3) incentivizes the rapid deployment of clean energy innovations across the economy, especially in communities most...
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