Biden Abandons Israeli Pipeline In Favor Of Russian Gas Via Ukraine

  • 01/26/22
  • AEA
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President Biden is withdrawing U.S. support for the EastMed pipeline that would bring natural gas from Israel to the European continent. Europe is currently in an energy crisis with record prices for natural gas and electricity, potential rolling blackouts, low supplies of natural gas, millions of citizens in energy poverty and increasing coal consumption, which the continent has wanted to end. Increasing reliance on intermittent renewable sources that have not produced to their potential...

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Tom Pyle to Congress: How it Started, and How it's Going

  • 01/21/22
  • AEA
  • Blog

Wednesday, January 19, AEA president Tom Pyle provided testimony before a joint forum held by the Congressional Western Caucus and Oversight & Reform Republicans titled: Holding the Biden Administration Accountable for Skyrocketing Prices & Failing Energy Policies.


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Liberal Legislators Kick the Dog

Last week 41 of the biggest energy-haters in Congress sent a letter to Richard Glick, chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, caterwauling about high energy prices. Like the gassy wheezer who fouls the living-room air and then kicks the dog to shift the blame, this cabal of pipeline blockers and permit-revokers tries to shift the blame from their own kill-oil and kill-gas policies. Instead, they point their fingers at the companies that actually produce the oil, and gas. Bad...

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Biden Makes Life In Alaska (And The Rest Of The Country) Worse

  • 01/20/22
  • IER
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Despite high gasoline prices, the Biden administration is reversing a Trump policy that opened up land in Arctic Alaska to new oil development. Biden’s Department of the Interior will scrap the Trump policy that authorized expanded leasing and development in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, or NPR-A. The Trump administration approved a plan to allow oil leasing and development in 82 percent  of the 23-million-acre reserve (about the size of Indiana), which replaced a 2013 Obama...

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Democrats Consider Bribing "Flyover" America To Give Up Their Trucks

  • 01/19/22
  • IER
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The House Committee on Agriculture hosted a hearing on Wednesday, January 12, on the needed infrastructure and possible impediments to electric vehicle adoption in rural America. At issue is what policies would incentivize rural electric vehicle penetration and at what cost, and, whether subsidizing electric vehicle use in rural America would make a significant difference in global carbon dioxide emissions. According to at least one witness , there are impediments to electric vehicles, based...

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Forced Electricfication Threatens Winter Heating For American Families

  • 01/12/22
  • IER
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Early January saw a massive snowstorm in the Washington D.C. area that resulted in downed wires and electricity outages for many households and businesses. Over 50 miles of Interstate 95 was closed to traffic with thousands of people stranded for hours as traffic was stopped. Vehicles ran out of fuel and electricity. Many affected households and businesses rely entirely on electricity for their energy requirements, which is the way many blue states and the Biden administration are moving...

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Freedom Molecules To Save Europe From Itself

  • 01/11/22
  • IER
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The United States became the largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in December 2021, edging out Qatar and Australia, as projects ramped up production and deliveries surged to Europe to help alleviate the energy crisis there. Output from U.S. LNG facilities edged above Qatar in December due mainly to an increase in exports from the Sabine Pass and Freeport facilities. A shale gas revolution, coupled with tens of billions of dollars of investments in liquefaction facilities,...

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Coal Is Still King

For all the talk about the demise of coal, it’s important to note that coal generated 35% of the world’s electricity in 2020, more than any other fuel. Even in the U.S., coal was expected to generate 23% of the nation’s electricity in 2021—up from 19% in 2020.

In addition to electricity generation, coal is critical for industry, making the cement, iron, and steel needed for modern civilization, including even wind turbines and solar panels. Without coal, the industrial revolution...

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Biden Orders Federal Agencies On Wildly Expensive Fool's Errand

  • 12/16/21
  • IER
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On December 8, President Biden directed federal agencies to cut the government’s carbon dioxide emissions by 65 percent by 2030 with the goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. Biden is directing federal car shoppers to buy only zero-emission passenger vehicles and light trucks by the end of fiscal year 2027 , with 100 percent compliance by all vehicles by 2050. His executive orders call for federal buildings to transition to net-zero emissions by 2045, by primarily powering the...

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Biden Directs Department of Energy to Flout the Law

One of the President’s most important jobs is to “take Care that the Laws are faithfully executed” as it says in Article II Section 3 of the Constitution. Put another way, an important purpose of the Executive Branch is to execute the laws. The Department of Energy, however, does not want to do that with research and development on oil, natural gas, and coal. In fact, they have gone so far as to say that it is “a central ethic of our [Fossil Energy] office is that if a non-fossil...

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