June 16, 2010

  • 06/16/10
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EPA Did Its Best to Hide It, Butin Agency's Report on Kerry-Lieberman, an Interesting Nugget: Bill Will OnlyReduce Fossil Fuel Usage by FOUR PERCENT over Next 20 YEARS. LATimes (6/16) reports, "Major changes in energy policy - and attendantpolicies on climate change - are hard to bring to fruition because they requiresupport from Congress and a broad array of contending interest groups. So far,even modest steps toward energy independence have proved unacceptable. Case inpoint: EPA said...

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June 15, 2010

  • 06/15/10
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TopBloomberg Reporter (And Head of White House Correspondents Assn) Set to Re-JoinNRDC Staff for Second Time in 4 Years.Politico (6/13) reports, "Bloomberg'sEd Chen is joining the Natural Resources Defense Council. Chen left the LosAngeles Times to join the NRDC in 2006, but then jumped back into the world ofjournalism in 2007 with a job at Bloomberg. In an email obtained by POLITICO'sMike Allen, Chen says: "My regret over leaving one of the world's largest --and certainly the most ambitious...

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June 14, 2010

  • 06/14/10
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Break Out the Flash Cards: AidesSay Markey "Has Been Prepping for Weeks" Ahead of Tomorrow's Annual Show Trialwith Big Five Energy Executives.E&E News (6/14,subs. req'd) reports, "Rep. Chairman Ed Markey (D-Mass.) has summoned the topexecutives of Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp., ConocoPhillips and Shell OilCo., as well as BP, to a hearing in his House Energy and EnvironmentSubcommittee tomorrow. While the other executives are unlikely to deliver theharsh rebuke that BP has received from...

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June 11, 2010

  • 06/11/10
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Deepwater-Gate: Salazar Forcedto Apologize for Misleading the Public on Whether Deepwater Moratorium  Was Supported by Panel of Experts,Engineers. FOXNews (6/11) reports, "The seven experts who advised President Obama on howto deal with offshore drilling safety after the Deepwater Horizon explosion areaccusing his administration of misrepresenting their views to make it appearthat they supported a six-month drilling moratorium -- something they actuallyoppose. The experts, recommended by the...

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June 10, 2010

  • 06/10/10
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(Deep-) Watergate: Experts Askedto Review/Inform Salazar's Offshore Report Say Deepwater Moratorium Rec WasAdded After the Fact - And They Oppose It. WallStreet Journal (6/10) editorializes, "In the wake of the oil spill,President Obama asked Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to produce a report on newdrilling safety recommendations. Then on May 27 Mr. Obama announced a six-monthdeep water drilling ban, justifying it on the basis of Mr. Salazar's report, atop recommendation of which was the...

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June 9, 2010

  • 06/09/10
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Rocky KOs Jackson: EternallyJunior Democratic Sen. from West Virginia Says He'll Stand with HisConstituents and Vote For Murkowski Resolution. DowJones (6/8) reports, "Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D., W.Va.) on Tuesday brokeranks with Democratic party leaders and indicated that he would support aneffort by Senate Republicans to overturn new rules to curb greenhouse-gasemissions. The defection on the Obama administration's cornerstoneenvironmental policy represents a blow to the White House, which...

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  • 06/08/10
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FacingSpecter of 40,000 Residents Out of Work Because of His Decision, Obama Moves toRe-Open Shallow Offshore - Too Bad 70% of the Oil Comes from Deepwater.  Wall Street Journal (6/8) reports, "TheObama administration, facing rising anger on the Gulf Coast over the loss ofjobs and income from a drilling moratorium, said Monday that it would move torelease new safety requirements that would allow the reopening of offshoreexploration in shallow waters. Gulf Coast residents, political leaders...

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  • 06/07/10
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Sage Advice from John Stossel at IER Energy Forum: Want Folks to Support Energy Development in America? Remind Them That Access = Affordability. Oil & Gas Investor (6/4) reports, “Stossel says that explaining that more Louisiana Gulf Coast residents are employed by the energy industry than the fishing industry will fall upon unpiqued ears. Instead, he says, emphasize that U.S. energy production contributes to Americans’ access to cheap energy. Oil is produced from thousands of feet below...
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  • 06/02/10
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Kubrick Would’ve BeenPerfect for This: EPA’s Lisa Jackson Asks Avatar Director James Cameronto Advise Her on How to Stop Leak in the Gulf – No Joke. Associated Press (6/2) reports, “Top kill" didn't stop the Gulf oil spill. How aboutsomething "titanic"? Federal officials are hoping film director JamesCameron can help them come up with ideas on how to stop the disastrousoil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The "Avatar" and "Titanic" directorwas among a group of scientists and other experts who met...

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  • 06/01/10
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Envy with Green:Graham May Have Made the Right Political Choice in Backing Out of KGL,But Lindsey Makes It Clear His Heart Is Still Invested in CriminalizingCarbon. Greenwire (5/28, subs. req’d) reports, “A key Senate Republican voice on climatelegislation is floating yet another alternative way to price carbonemissions by focusing just on power plants. Sen. Lindsey Graham(R-S.C.) said yesterday that the electric utility industry is most inneed of a market signal for pricing greenhouse gases,...

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