Key Vote YES on S.J. Res.12
The American Energy Alliance supports S.J. Res. 12, providing for congressional disapproval of the EPA methane fee.
The EPA methane fee is nothing more than an unnecessary tax on energy. Energy producers already have a strong economic incentive to minimize methane leakage throughout their processes because natural gas is marketable product. Piling an EPA tax on top of that existing business rationale is unnecessary. It raises compliance costs without providing any additional incentive to further reduce emissions. Ultimately, end consumers pay the cost of this tax on their heating bills as the tax is passed through. Thus the true goal of this regulation is increasing the cost of reliable energy sources in an attempt to advantage more ideologically preferred energy sources.
A YES vote on S.J. Res. 12 is a vote in support of free markets and affordable energy. AEA will include this vote in its American Energy Scorecard.
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