AEA Catalogs the Path to American Energy Abundance
WASHINGTON DC (3/25/25) – President Trump and the Republican-led Congress have quickly been making good on the promise to undo the Biden administration’s war on American energy. Already, the American Energy Alliance has cataloged over 50 actions taken to put America back on the path to energy prosperity.
Tom Pyle, President of the American Energy Alliance, issued the following statement:
“President Trump has wasted no time fulfilling his promise to unleash our country’s vast resources and undo the reckless policies of his predecessor, beginning with a flurry of executive orders and spending reductions. More recently, his agencies – especially the EPA – have formalized the process of rewriting or eliminating a host of harmful regulations. Congress has also acted with haste by nullifying a host of rules using the Congressional Review Act and has begun the process of eliminating the wasteful Inflation Reduction Act subsidies through the budget and reconciliation process.
“The Biden administration and the Democrats in Congress took over 250 specific actions against American energy production during his term. In just over 60 days, President Trump and Congress have already taken over 50 actions to reverse the damage. It is a great relief to see positive movement in the right direction, but there is much more to do. We look forward to rolling up our sleeves and helping to get the job done.”
Some key actions the American Energy Alliance has recorded include:
- Executive order on international environmental agreements.
- Executive order allowing drilling and reversing restrictions placed by the Federal Government on Alaskan energy production.
- Lifted “pause” on LNG exports.
- House passed H.R. 26, the Protecting American Energy Production Act, which prohibits the President from banning hydraulic fracturing unless Congress authorizes a moratorium.
For the full list, click here.
AEA Experts Available For Interview On This Topic:
- Tom J. Pyle, President
- Kenny Stein, Vice President of Policy
- Alex Stevens, Manager of Policy and Communications
Additional Background Resources From AEA:
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