American Energy Alliance

American Energy Alliance Endorses Donald J. Trump for President

WASHINGTON DC (9/5/24) – The American Energy Alliance (AEA), the country’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free-market energy organization, is proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for President of the United States.

Click Here to Read AEA’s Endorsement Letter to President Donald Trump 

AEA President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement:

“There are two major candidates in the race for the presidency, and both of them have a record. One, Donald J. Trump, spent his entire four years in the White House breaking down federal barriers to domestic energy production and working tirelessly to lower energy costs for families and businesses. The other, Kamala Harris, has spent her entire political career – first as California Attorney General, then U.S. Senator, and now as Vice President – demonizing American oil and gas producers and using the full weight of each of her offices to promote policies that have increased energy costs on businesses and working families.

President Trump’s commitment to unleashing domestic energy production during his time in office helped lower energy costs for all Americans, created jobs, and promoted energy security. His regulatory agenda ensured that our economic prosperity wouldn’t be hindered by red tape while allowing the U.S. to lead the world in energy production. He encouraged the development of domestic oil and natural gas resources, revised rules to speed up approvals for energy and infrastructure projects, prioritized American workers and industries, and supported initiatives that gave states more flexibility in setting their own environmental standards.

As a candidate, Mr. Trump promotes an energy abundance strategy to foster American growth and opportunity. He is the only candidate who recognizes the important role that the responsible development of our natural resources plays in a strong economy.

In contrast, Kamala Harris’ entire political career has been about promoting the values of the Nancy Pelosi-Gavin Newsom San Francisco political machine. She has consistently favored policies that put the government in control of our energy future. She has demonized oil and gas producers, prioritized the demands of her wealthy environmental donors, and restricted output, all of which have provided few environmental benefits. Working and middle-class Americans can’t afford to keep paying the price for the Biden-Harris agenda. 

My mother always told me to judge people by their actions, not their words. None of candidate Harris’ recent flip-flopping on issues like banning fracking and mandating electric vehicles can erase her long standing embrace of the Green New Deal, which is a raw deal for American families.

AEA was one of the first national organizations to endorse President Trump in 2016 and we are pleased to do so again. I fully endorse President Trump in his reelection bid, and look forward to four more years of energy policies that put the American people first.”

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