AEA to GOP Lawmakers:  No Back Door Energy Taxes

WASHINGTON DC (06/18/2024)– The American Energy Alliance, the nation’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free market energy organization, launched a digital advocacy initiative calling on elected officials to reject legislative efforts that will lead to the imposition of new taxes and tariffs on carbon dioxide, which is a tax on our energy.

The six-figure campaign will run for two weeks statewide in Utah and Iowa’s first congressional district.

Congressman John Curtis of Utah is recruiting his fellow House Republicans to sponsor his legislation, the PROVE IT Act, that would lead to the creation of new taxes on energy. Congresswoman Miller-Meeks, who recently replaced Congressman Curtis as chair of the Conservative Climate Caucus, was listed as a supporter of the legislation. More recently, it has been reported that she now has some concerns about the legislation and its potential to create new energy taxes.

AEA President Tom Pyle issued the following statement:

“Utah families deserve to know whether their elected representatives are promoting policies that will lead to new taxes on the energy they rely on every single day. Congressman Curtis is leading the charge among Republican lawmakers to promote policies that would raise the cost of energy at a time when Utah families are already struggling with higher costs for gasoline, groceries, and many other household needs. This is especially troubling since Congressman Curtis seems to be downplaying this agenda as he pursues the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Mitt Romney.

Congresswoman Miller-Meeks is correct to be skeptical of this effort to lay the foundation for new, regressive energy taxes. That is why it was startling to see she was listed as an early supporter of the PROVE IT Act legislation. I encourage her to clarify her opposition to the PROVE IT Act and to stand strong against any effort to raise energy taxes on Iowa families.

There is no such thing as a ‘conservative’ carbon tax. Any effort, like the PROVE IT Act, that would lead to the creation of new energy taxes, should be soundly rejected by lawmakers.”

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