American Energy Alliance

Key Vote YES on H.R. 6285

The American Energy Alliance supports H.R. 6285 Alaska’s Right to Produce Act of 2023, legislation which would affirm Congress’s clear instructions on leasing and development of energy resources in Alaska.

By clear and specific legislation, Congress has directed that the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska and a portion of the Alaska Coastal Plain shall be available for oil and gas leasing and development. The Department of Interior, with no legal authorization, has declared that it will simply ignore this clear law and will of Congress, purporting to cancel leases and suspending leasing in these areas.

These actions by Interior are illegal, and this legislation reiterates that Interior’s actions are in contravention of clearly stated existing statute.

A YES vote on H.R. 6285 is a vote in support of free markets and affordable energy. AEA will include this vote in its American Energy Scorecard.

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