Key Votes on H.R. 1 Amendments

The American Energy Alliance urges all members to vote YES on amendments 10, 11, 12, and 13 and vote NO on amendment 26 offered to H.R. 1 the Lower Energy Costs Act.

YES: Palmer-Lesko amendment #10 would ensure that consumer choice in appliances is not arbitrarily constrained. Despite denials from the White House, various parts of the bureaucracy continue to advance proposals that would ban functionally all gas powered stoves. Congress can definitively end this threat with a simple vote.

YES: Perry amendment #11 would make clear that interstate river compacts do not have any special power to regulate hydraulic fracturing. Congress has made clear that individual states make their own regulations regarding hydraulic fracturing and this amendment would prohibit any attempts to get around that intent.

YES: Perry amendment #12 would ensure that Congress remains responsible for decisions on climate change regulations by repealing section 115 of the Clean Air Act regarding international air pollution. Sec. 115 has been repeatedly targeted by activists as an avenue to impose radical climate regulations through the backdoor, circumventing elected representatives in Congress.

YES: Roy-Self amendment #13 would direct the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to withdraw its two highly controversial policy statements from last year regarding pipeline project approvals. While FERC has partially backed down by designating the policy statements as mere “draft” documents, FERC should abandon its misguided regulatory overreach entirely.

NO: Levin amendment #26 which would strike the section of H.R. 1 which seeks to lower the cost of developing federal energy resources. One of the most effective ways of lowering energy prices is producing more of our energy domestically, which also has added benefits in jobs and economic growth. Raising the cost of producing energy on federal lands both reduces domestic production while at the same time increasing costs to consumers, precisely the opposite of what is needed during this period of persistently high inflation.

The AEA urges all members to support free markets and affordable energy by voting YES on amendments 10, 11, 12, and 13 and NO on amendment 26. Should votes on these amendments occur, AEA will include them in its American Energy Scorecard.

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