It’s time for grown-ups to start handling energy policy in your administration.
The American Energy Alliance, the country’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free-market energy organization, has a direct message for President Joe Biden as we await his comments on the blatant act of military aggression against Ukraine by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
AEA President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement:
“It’s past time for President Biden to recognize the strategic importance of American energy production by reversing his decisions to shut down our domestic natural gas, oil, and coal industry. His senseless pandering to the green left has helped foment the very conditions that have given Vladimir Putin the confidence that his war on Ukraine will be met with little resistance from the U.S.
From his very first day in office, President Biden has conducted his own war on American energy. He has persisted despite growing signs that other nations are ignoring international agreements to limit carbon dioxide and instead are concentrating on increasing their energy security in pursuit of the economic growth and security that always accompanies it.
With the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine – an aggression steeped in energy as its casus belli – it is time for the grown-ups to handle energy policy in your administration. The abandonment of the U.S. position as the world’s premier energy producer must be reversed. Russia and China are accelerating their energy cooperation with new deals promoting the development of coal, oil and natural gas. This new energy axis has the potential to place the U.S. in grave peril.”
In his speech today, President Biden should announce the following:
Immediately approve the Keystone XL pipeline, lifting his blockade of the U.S./Canada Border and allowing safe and secure transport of oil from our closest ally and number one oil importer to our refineries in the Gulf Coast. This will also help American producers in the Bakken shale oil deposits along our northern border;
Immediately resume leasing on 2.46 billion acres of federal mineral estate on- and offshore. President Biden continues embargoing American energy supplies despite the illegality of his actions.
Use the Presidential bully pulpit to immediately call upon American financial and investment firms to recognize the importance of American energy investments and work with our western allies to increase global energy security and investment in secure, reliable and affordable energy for our common security and economic progress. The trendy focus on ESG to the exclusion of investment in western energy supplies is a large part of the problem that currently faces the West, especially in light of some of those firms’ investments in energy in other parts of the world, including China.
Rescind the nomination of Sarah Bloom Raskin to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Her anti-American energy positions are well known.
Fire Special Envoy John Kerry, who called the senseless killing of Ukrainian citizens at the hands of Vladimir Putin a distraction.
Fire NEC Director Brian Deese, who helped Larry Fink orchestrate BlackRock’s effort to cut off Wall Street financing of publicly traded energy companies.
Appeal the federal judge’s decision overturning OCS lease sale 257. It is the only offshore lease sale that has been held since January 2021, and was done so only at the direction of a federal judge who ordered President Biden to do it.
Cease the regulatory assault of the Administrative State against energy exploration, production, transportation and processing immediately.
Repeal all Executive Orders including, but not limited to, EO 13990 of January 20, 2021.
Abide by the ruling of a federal judge last week stopping the imposition of a Social Cost of Carbon regulation on every federal energy permit.
Cease attempts to reestablish the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule which the Obama Administration sought to impose on landowners around the United States regulating every last mud puddle in a farmer’s field. This has enormous implications for U.S. energy security.
Stop the assault on Alaska’s enormous energy potential, including your breach of legally issued leases in ANWR and projects in the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska. In July of 2021, the U.S. received twice as much oil from Russia as we did from Alaska. With the Alaska Pipeline running at less than 25% of its capacity, it is time to fill it back up and make America more secure.
Pyle added:
“This list is by no means all-inclusive. It is, however, the type of signal that President Biden needs to send to the world to stop the decline of American energy security, and ultimately of America itself.
Right now, Vladimir Putin sees America as weak and unwilling to do what it takes to stop his acts of aggression in Eastern Europe. President Biden can start to reverse this perception by acknowledging and supporting American energy production. It is a weak America, not climate change, that presents an existential threat to the U.S. and the world.”
Additional Resources:
- Ukraine Conflict Escalates Fuel Prices
- Russia Benefits from Biden Oil and Natural Gas Policies
- Biden Is Playing Double Jeopardy with the Oil and Gas Industry
- Courts Involved in Biden’s Moratorium on Oil and Gas Leasing on Federal Lands
- White House Considering Closing Another Oil Pipeline
- Biden Wants Investigation into Gasoline Price Rise that His Own Policies Are Causing
- President Biden Is Working to Destroy One of the Major Industries in the United States
- Biden Administration Calls for More Oil Production—As Long as It’s Not in North America
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