American Energy Alliance

Scott Pruitt Will Be a Champion for the American People and the Environment

WASHINGTON – The American Energy Alliance (AEA) congratulates Scott Pruitt on being confirmed as the next Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). AEA President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement:

“Scott Pruitt will be a true champion for the American people and our environment. Throughout his career, Pruitt has fought to uphold the rule of law and to protect the rights of Oklahoma families and communities. He will do the same for all Americans as EPA Administrator.

“In recent years the EPA has far exceeded its mandate and has used regulations as a cudgel to force states to adopt a political agenda. This agenda has upended whole communities—destroying jobs and subjecting Americans to higher energy costs. That will no longer be the case under Administrator Pruitt, who respects the rights of states and individuals and understands that clean air and water and a robust economy go hand in hand.

“We look forward to Administrator Pruitt advancing policies that grow the economy, protect the environment, and make life better for American families and workers.”


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