American Energy Alliance

Will U.S. Policy Makers Oppose a Carbon Tax?

WASHINGTON — The American Energy Alliance begins today the third phase of a nation-wide $750,000 anti-carbon tax initiative. This phase of the initiative includes a series of online banner advertisements urging Americans to tell their Member of Congress to oppose a carbon tax.

The ads are currently running in areas of the country represented by Reps. Bruce Braley (D- Iowa), Cheri Bustos (D- Ill.), Ann Kirkpatrick (D- Ariz.), Patrick Murphy (D- Fla.), Rick Nolan (D- Minn.), Bill Owens (D- N.Y.) and Senators Kay Hagan (D- N.C.) and Mark Begich (D- Alaska). By enlisting these constituent groups to sign a petition against the carbon tax, AEA hopes to build on its 2.1 million-strong online community fighting to keep Washington from imposing a new harmful tax on American consumers.

The ads are geo-targeted for viewers on a number of national websites, including RealClearPolitics, Townhall, USA Today, and Washington Post, as well as a number of local news information sites in the targeted areas.

AEA President Thomas Pyle released the following statement along with the ads:

“Whether a Member of Congress has supported a carbon tax outright or supported legislation that assumes future revenues from a carbon tax, the practical result is the same — higher taxes on more Americans to feed Washington’s never-ending hunger for bigger government and more spending. The American Energy Alliance is committed to public accountability for elected officials and will continue our efforts to educate and equip American consumers to combat policies that increase the cost of energy their families and jobs depend on. By using every available medium — radio, TV, print and Internet — we will push back against Washington power brokers who don’t understand the real world harm that a carbon tax would cause.”

To see phase one of the initiative, click here.

To see phase two of the initiative, click here.


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