American Energy Alliance

In the Crosshairs: AEA Launches another TV Ad in SC focused on Sen. Graham’s Cap-and-Trade Support

Non-partisan group extends education, advocacy campaign for fourth consecutive week in Palmetto State

Washington, DC – As U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) continues to work to enact a job-killing cap-and-trade bill as part of larger global warming policy, the American Energy Alliance (AEA) – a non-partisan, non-profit advocacy organization– launched yet another television commercial today aimed at educating South Carolina residents about how cap-and-trade will increase energy prices, weaken America’s ability to compete in the global economy and cost good-paying jobs.

Thomas J. Pyle, AEA’s president, issued this statement:

“As Congress continues to work to ration and increase our energy resources through cap-and-trade, South Carolinians deserve to have all the facts and know where and why their elected officials in Washington stand on these critical issues. Legislation outlined by Senator Graham will force energy and electricity prices to skyrocket. And worse, these heavy-handed proposals will cost even more American jobs. While some in Congress have a ‘Washington position’ and a ‘homestate position,’ the facts about cap-and-trade do not change.”

Continued Pyle: “Senator Graham continues to tout ‘offshore drilling’ as part of his plan. And while this rhetoric is appealing, it discounts the fact that Congress has retired the offshore drilling ban, thanks in large part to the clear majority of Americans who favor responsible offshore energy development. If Senator Graham was sincere in his desire to increase domestic energy exploration, he’d urge the president and Interior secretary to do so immediately — not push a new national energy tax called cap-and-trade.”

NOTE: AEA launched an education and advocacy campaign in South Carolina on October 22. The objective of this multi-media campaign is to engage residents of South Carolina and arm them with the facts about global warming legislation Senator Graham is advocating. AEA is a non-partisan, non-profit energy advocacy group that engages in grassroots advocacy to promote market-based solutions to our nation’s energy and environmental challenges.




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