Pending proposal will tax every single American – and their lawnmowers and hot tubs
Washington, DC – In days, the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on an unprecedented national energy tax that it will fundamentally alter the American way of life. While Congressman Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.) has yet to state publicly where he stands on this measure, Hoosiers concerned about rising utility and energy bills should urge Donnelly to oppose this legislation.
Under this cap-and-trade proposal, the federal government would tax all carbon-based energy sources, which represents nearly 86 percent of America’s energy. The job-killing proposal would hit some regions even harder than others. In Rep. Donnelly’s district, working families and small businesses would see massive prices increases, as they rely on 99 percent of the carbon-based energy to keep their economy moving.
“Cap-and-trade is a backdoor attempt to accomplish a very simple goal: increase the price of reliable energy sources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, for every single American through tax hikes and burdensome government mandates,” said Thomas J. Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance (AEA). “At the same time, this measure artificially props up industries that would currently not exist without massive taxpayer subsidies.
“There is no doubt that increasing energy costs in Indiana,while small towns and working-class families continue to suffer throughthis economic downturn, will be devastating. Higher energy costs thatwill result under a cap-and-trade regime will force businesses to closetheir doors. But thankfully, it isn’t too late for Congressman Donnellyto consider the needs of his constituents, and oppose this job-killingpolicy.
“Congressman Donnelly should be focusing on creating jobs, growingthe economy, and increasing more American energy — not increasing theburden on families and small businesses,” added Pyle.
The American Energy and Security Act of 2009, whichincludes both a cap-and-trade scheme and renewable electricity mandate,does not produce a single unit of energy and further weakens ournation’s overall energy security. The U.S. House is scheduled to voteon the legislation next week.
More on Cap and Trade:
- Study: Eight Ways Cap and Trade Harms the Economy and Reduces Jobs
- News Release: Cap and Trade- They Said It
- Interactive map: How Much of Your Energy Will be Taxed?
*Numbers are rounded to the nearest tenth percent.
The American Energy Alliance (AEA) is anot-for-profit organization that engages in public policy advocacy anddebate surrounding the function, operation, and government regulationof global energy markets. AEA, an affiliate of the Institute for EnergyResearch, works to educate and mobilize citizens around the idea thatfreely-functioning energy markets provide the most efficient andeffective solutions to today’s global energy and environmentalchallenges.
A version of the below release went to the following districts; KathyDahlkemper (PA-03), Jason Altmire (PA-04), Jim Gerlach (PA-06), ChrisCarney (PA-10), Paul Kanjorski (PA-11), Todd Platts (PA-19), JoeDonnelly (IN-02), Brad Ellsworth (IN-08), Barron Hill (IN-09), MarkKirk (IL-10), Steve Driehaus (OH-01), Mary Jo Kilroy (OH-15), Tim Ryan(OH-17), Zack Space (OH-18), Joe Donnelly (IN-02), Brad Ellsworth(IN-08), Baron Hill (IN-09), Marion Berry (AR-01), Vic Snyder (AR-02),Mike Ross (AR-04), Joe Cao (LA-02), Tom Perriello (VA-05), and MaryBono Mack (CA-45).