Biden Takes Another Swipe At Offshore Energy

On April 15, Biden’s Interior Department’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) finalized a new rule requiring federal offshore oil and natural gas leaseholders to provide an estimated $6.9 billion in additional financial assurances to cover offshore decommissioning costs. The goal of the financial assurances is to limit the number of abandoned wells in the Gulf of Mexico’s Outer […]

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Biden’s Illegal Offshore Development Delay

President Biden’s oil and gas offshore lease plan is late and will be even later as the Interior Department argues it needs until December to finalize the plan. It told a court it needs the rest of the year to complete an analysis on the delayed five-year program, which will replace the expired 2017-2022 program. There […]

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Biden Buries Restrictive Lease Plan Under Holiday Weekend

President Biden’s Department of Interior released its draft offshore lease plan late on  July 1—just before the Fourth of July holiday, as American families were paying historically-high gasoline prices for their travels.  The plan is required by law and a final plan was due by June 30, when the current plan ended. The draft plan lays out […]

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President Obama Delivers Most Anemic Offshore Leasing Plan in U.S. History

WASHINGTON – American Energy Alliance President Thomas Pyle issued the following statement on the Obama administration’s five-year offshore leasing plan: “As a farewell gift to the keep-it-in-the-ground activists, President Obama has delivered the most anemic offshore leasing plan in U.S. history. The Obama administration has excluded lease sales in the most promising areas—offering nothing in […]

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